Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Updates schumpdates!

So....it's Tuesday.  I'm officially one class and one run behind-already.  Let's just pretend that I'm not ashamed of that fact and move on, m'kay? ;)

Thursday night was our very first track night.  It's held at a high school in Tulsa and since I was unsure of exactly where it was, I ended up leaving my house super early, finding it, spending about 10 minutes on whether or not I should find a bathroom before hand or read my latest book.  The book won.  (Never underestimate the pull of a great book on a Mom who rarely gets uninterrupted reading time! lol)

Anyways, here is my home for the next 11 Thursdays.
 Gorgeous, right?  It really is nice, especially for a high school track.

Our track workout was 3 x 800m; 2 min. rest.  I have now learned not to judge the workout based on distances...After a half mile run to "warm up", drills and working on my form the whole time I run, I've realized that these "short" track workouts are killers!  I finished exhausted but elated, even though I was clearly questioning my sanity in this pic. 
This was at the end of the workout, soaked in sweat &

Split Times were as follows: 
Lap 1: 4:49
Lap 2: 5:07
Lap 3: 5:12
*I don't have HR this time because I forgot my monitor.  Grr.*

I know she said that my split times were supposed to be within about 10-15 seconds of each other and I'm not doing too badly.  It's still hard, but I'm hanging in there.  I just want to PR.  My dream is a 27 minute 5K. Every workout gets me closer, right?

Thursday, August 8, 2013

1 Mile Easy? Pshaw!

So, nothing as humbling as a 1 mile run that makes you feel like you are dying.  Yep, dying.  It was awesomely sucky.  But let me back up a bit....

I decided recently (& spurred on by an awesomely cheap Living Social deal) to take my training more seriously and do more than just pound the pavement.  I had taken a handful of classes in CrossFit and fell in LOVE.  Seriously, as much as it hurts, I pretty much swoon walking into the box, knowing how much elation will fill me after kicking arse in a really serious workout.  The total downside to CrossFitting is there is not one near me.  I'm a rural girl and the closest box is around an hour away-that's with no traffic.  And it usually cost more than a regular gym and I'd have to budget that in, plus gas.  With me being laid off most of the summer, it just never ended up being an option for me.
But then, Living Social stepped in.  A 12 week Crossfit Endurance training program for around $30??? With another $5 discount???  Yes please!!!  I was sold in about as long as it took me to get out my card and buy that voucher.  
This past Sunday, I attended orientation and they explained the basis behind the program.  It's founded on CrossFit principles and focuses first on form, then intensity, then volume; which is completely opposite of most running programs.  This box has run this program for two years and boasts of ZERO runner injuries (AWESOME!) and massive PRs (Personal Records for Time).  After suffering several injuries and pains during my last two years of teaching myself to run, I decided that it was totally time to turn myself over to a higher power.  

Let the self-imposed torture  improvement BEGIN!

This is me, sweating before my class!  
Keep in mind, it is August in Oklahoma; temps are usually above 100 well into the evening and the humidity is not to be believed.  And I sweat like, well, a whore in church, honestly.  

So, during the class we ran 3 drills to work on form: pulling with hammies, lifting your feet and then hopping to learn your center of gravity.  Felt absolutely ridiculous and awkward.  This box, btw, is in the middle of downtown Tulsa.  As in, businesses all around.  Add in a bunch of people watching you from the area windows and the homeless folk cruising around on their bikes and you've got live entertainment people! Mostly during this time, I just tried to keep from running over the very small lady in front of me and hoped not to fall on my face.
After drills we were told we were going to run 4 x 400 m.  I'm thinking: "I'm a decent runner.  That's just a mile.  No biggie, right?"  
Um, WRONG!  Turns out it was 4 x 400 m balls out/as fast as you can and you take a 1:30 rest between. Here are my times:
Lap 1: 1:55 HR: 194   (HR=Heart Rate)
Lap 2: 2:03 HR: 206
Lap 3: 2:20 HR: 205
Lap 4: 2:27 HR: 198

Honestly, for me, the times didn't seem that terrible.  But apparently, it was.  Seriously, I was one of the slowest in class.  And I thought I was going to puke.  At least 3 times.  On the upside, I survived.  And one of the instructors was kind enough to email me the Travel WODS (Workouts of the Day) for CrossFit so I can incorporate that into my training too.  Which makes me happy and sad.  Happy because I really do love to CrossFit but sad because I cannot afford to drive to Tulsa 4-5 days/week; 2-3 days is stretching my budget pretty hard and I really would rather be in a class.

Overall, I enjoyed the challenge and getting to be in a class is always useful for me-I'm a total social butterfly and already made a friend!  Hi Rachel! ;)

I'm ready for my next class Thursday, which is actually at the track.  I will report back here, stay tuned!

Ps I don't have an after pic because my phone was nearly dead and I forgot.  But if you add redness to the face, a crap ton more sweat and an exhausted but triumphant smile, you can see it in your head!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

In the Beginning.....

Once upon a time,
There was this girl.  She kept buying bigger clothes and being in denial about her weight.  Until she saw the pictures from her daughter's Christmas Program.  Ugh.  Gag worthy.  And even then, she did nothing.  Then her son got diagnosed with Autism.  And then her daughter with developmental delays.  Endless rounds of therapy started.  Endless amounts of takeout food simply because there weren't enough hours in the day to work, drive, therapize, cook and manage schedules.  And then one day, a therapist encouraged her to run. Not much, just some Couchto5k, no biggie.  And she did.  And she LOVED it; and never looked back.
The End.

Well, not really.  Because this mom was unaware that good shoes make a whole lotta difference.  That shin splints are the worst thing ever when you have a toddler and that pounding the pavement alone isn't enough.  In the two years since I started running I've lost weight & inches (I have no idea how much-numbers stress me!), I've gained muscle, confidence, knowledge & SANITY.  I've learned there's always something new to learn.  I've ran lots of 5ks, training runs, fun runs, an obstacle course race and endless miles of country roads, tracks and sidewalks.  This fall I'm embarking on a new journey, heading into my first 15K and my first Half.
This will be my new story......enjoy!

                                This is me near my heaviest, at my son's birthday party-August 2011....

                                                   My Husband and I in November of 2011.....
Football For Women 101 Fall 2012 
Football for Women 101 Fall 2013
My college roomie and I last month....inches smaller and pounds lighter!