Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Updates schumpdates!

So....it's Tuesday.  I'm officially one class and one run behind-already.  Let's just pretend that I'm not ashamed of that fact and move on, m'kay? ;)

Thursday night was our very first track night.  It's held at a high school in Tulsa and since I was unsure of exactly where it was, I ended up leaving my house super early, finding it, spending about 10 minutes on whether or not I should find a bathroom before hand or read my latest book.  The book won.  (Never underestimate the pull of a great book on a Mom who rarely gets uninterrupted reading time! lol)

Anyways, here is my home for the next 11 Thursdays.
 Gorgeous, right?  It really is nice, especially for a high school track.

Our track workout was 3 x 800m; 2 min. rest.  I have now learned not to judge the workout based on distances...After a half mile run to "warm up", drills and working on my form the whole time I run, I've realized that these "short" track workouts are killers!  I finished exhausted but elated, even though I was clearly questioning my sanity in this pic. 
This was at the end of the workout, soaked in sweat &

Split Times were as follows: 
Lap 1: 4:49
Lap 2: 5:07
Lap 3: 5:12
*I don't have HR this time because I forgot my monitor.  Grr.*

I know she said that my split times were supposed to be within about 10-15 seconds of each other and I'm not doing too badly.  It's still hard, but I'm hanging in there.  I just want to PR.  My dream is a 27 minute 5K. Every workout gets me closer, right?

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